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Welcome from the Headteacher

It is a pleasure to welcome you to Penny Field School, a 2-19 special school for children and young people with severe and complex needs. Penny Field School really is a unique setting with incredible young people who deserve the absolute best in care and education that we can provide. We strive to deliver the best curriculum, with the most appropriate resources and equipment in order to support the young people’s journey into adulthood. 

We work hard to ensure that the pupils are at the heart of everything we do and that we work in partnership with parents, carers, professional partners and Trust colleagues to ensure that every child’s needs are met.  We have a team of highly skilled Teachers and Teaching Assistants as well as an Educare Team, who support the pupils’ medical interventions and intimate care needs. We also have specialist staff on site who are well trained and experienced to support their medical and learning needs. This includes an inclusion nursing team on-site and a high level of speech and language and physiotherapist input as well. 

On-going training and advice from various professionals allow us to keep up-to-date with various strategies in order to engage pupils in their learning (intensive interaction, social integration, social stories, visual communication tools, PECS, Makaton signing, yoga, story massage etc). We also ensure that we communicate well with parents and carers through the use of phone calls, emails and Class Dojo.

We have lots of exciting school events (Productions, Parents Meetings, Christmas/Summer Fayres, Carnival and Art/Fashion Shows) that we invite parents and carers to attend, as well as holding coffee mornings for opportunities to meet and discuss different topics. Please see our Curriculum and Class pages for more details.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me at the school if you would like any further information.

Best wishes,

Hannah Duffey