Safeguarding and Child Protection at Penny Field School
Penny Field School is committed to safeguarding all our pupils in line with our statutory duties, roles and responsibilities under Section 175 Education Act (2002), the Children Act (1989) and Section 42-46 of the Care Act (2014) in ensuring each and every learner is protected and safeguarded against potential harm and abuse.
All staff are trained in Child Protection and undergo rigorous checks to ensure that they have clearance to work with children. We have clear procedures in place to report any concerns. We also teach our learners to keep themselves safe, both within the school grounds and in the wider world. We work closely with parents and health professionals to ensure that there is clarity and understanding of our procedures in relation to child protection.
We have three Designated Safeguarding Leads, who have overall responsibility for Safeguarding and Child Protection at Penny Field School.
- Designated Lead Supervisor: Hannah Duffey, Headteacher
- Designated Safeguarding Lead: Kathryn Smith, Assistant Headteacher
- Deputy Lead Supervisor: Kath Burrell, Pastoral Manager
If you have a concern please call us on the main school number (0113 8314222) and ask to speak to Hannah, Kathryn or Kath.
In instances that relate to allegations towards staff members please report these directly to Hannah Duffey (Headteacher) at
In instances that relate to allegations towards the Headteacher, these are to be reported to the Chair of Governors’ Chris Graefe, who can be contact via the Governors Clerk
The Governor with responsibility for Safeguarding is Chris Graefe. To contact Chris please email
Please find below the Penny Field School Safeguarding Policy and some further information relating to keeping children safe.
- Childline Report Remove tool – removing nudes and semi-nudes circulating on social media
- Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy 2024-25
- The Prevent Duty
- Whistleblowing Policy
- Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)
- Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE)
- Forced Marriage
- Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE)
- Extremism and Radicalisation
- Online Safety videos
In preparation for Safer Internet Day (SID) next week, we have produced an additional newsletter. We have also provided a summary of links from organisations providing resources in relation to SID that again you might find of use.
Other resources (we are not affiliated with any of the below organisations)
- UK Safer Internet Centre: you probably already have this link but just in case this is where you access the educational resources –
- LGfL: LGfL have created a dedicated page, which includes an interactive board game for KS2 pupils to explore key online safety messages and behaviour and also filming Ideas for a Pupil-Led Parent Presentation –
- Parent Zone: Register to access a 30 minute ‘Be Internet Legends’ assembly by Google –
- BBC Live Lesson: Aimed at KS2, the BBC are hosting a live lesson at 11am on SID. Find out more here:
- BBC: The BBC have curated a selection of videos and quizzes that you might find useful –
- Webwise: Includes presentations to help you explore the SID theme –
- Internet Matters: Advice and topics for you to explore –
- Tech She Can: They are hosting live assemblies focussing on careers in AI –