Green Earth Class
Green Earth is our KS3/4 and Post 16 Class with pupils ranging from 15 to 19 years of age. Our students have complex medical needs and require regular changes of position and personal care throughout the day. Our students use wheelchairs and some have visual impairments and other medical conditions. Some use Augmented Communication, such as talkers and E Tran Frames. We regularly see the Physiotherapists and Hydro and Rebound are still a vital part of our timetable so that students maintain what physical movement they have.
We have students on both the Engagement and the Working Towards Independence pathways, but and our focus is mostly a sensory approach to learning in both pathways. Our students work towards gaining an ASDAN qualification with the Transition Challenge for KS4 and Preparation for Adulthood for Post 16. Whilst they are with us this helps to prepare them for their next stage of life and adulthood.
Our focus in Green Earth is on providing a stimulating, but a calm learning experience that caters for all needs. We celebrate achievements daily, noticing even the smallest of steps.
Our outlook is positive and we work towards positive transitions when pupils leave us in year 14.
Class Teacher
- Damian
- Krissy
- Terry
- Bobbi
- Emma B
- Tamara